What is it?

Gift Aid is a scheme which allows registered charities, such as The Percival Guildhouse, to reclaim basic rate tax paid on any money donated to them by UK tax-payers.   

How does it work?

If you are a UK tax-payer you will pay tax on your earnings, savings or pensions at either a basic rate of 20% or a higher rate of 40%.  

If you donate to The Percival Guildhouse, your donation will come from money you have already paid tax on. As a registered charity, we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 you donate, boosting the value of your donation by a quarter – at no extra cost to you.  

This means that if you donate £10, and use Gift Aid, it’s actually worth £12.50, which is fantastic news for us! 

And because the additional money comes to us from the government, it still only costs you £10. Which is good news for you too! 


Make sure you have paid enough tax to use Gift Aid

For us to be able to claim Gift Aid on your donation, you must be paying UK income or Capital Gains Tax which at least equals the amount we (and other charities you donate to) will claim in that tax year. For advice on how to check if you’ve paid enough tax to use Gift Aid, please visit the HMRC website.  

How do I Gift Aid my Donations?

If you are donating via our donation button, managed on our behalf by the Charities Aid Foundation, just follow the instructions online. 

If you are donating directly to us, all you need to do is fill in a Gift Aid Declaration (available in the office or by clicking the button below) when you make your donation.  This is a statement from you to The Percival Guildhouse confirming that you are a UK tax-payerOnce you have completed the form, hand it in to the office or scan it and send it to us by email. Once we have received it we can claim tax back on all of the donations you have made to us in the last 4 years, and on any future donations you may make. It’s as easy as that. 

Once you have made your declaration, please let us know if your name or address changes, or if you stop paying tax. 
