

The Percival Guildhouse accepts payments by Credit and Debit card, Cheques, Cash or PGH Voucher.

In Person

During the term dates given in General Information, the office is open Monday – Friday 9am till 3.30pm. We can also deal with enquiries by telephone or email.

Before term begins you are able to contact the office Monday- Friday 9.30am till 1.30pm.

Periods when the Guildhouse is closed are given in General Information

By Telephone

Call us on 01788 542467 and enrol by credit or debit card.

Opening times and term dates are given under General Information.

By Post

Fill in an enrolment form and send it with a cheque for the correct fee to:

The Percival Guildhouse, St Matthew’s Street, Rugby, CV21 3BY. 

(Cheques made payable to: The Percival Guildhouse)

Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you require an acknowledgement of your enrolment. If you wish to check you have been enrolled on your course, please access your PGH account online or contact the office. Office opening dates can be found in General Information.
